Positive Grid presents another Guitar Cloud Symposium Deep Dive that will take place online on Saturday, March 20, 2021.
Talented guitarists across the globe possess creativity, technique, and heart, but often lack knowledge in how to employ those traits when seeking to become a working entertainer. “Getting the Good Gigs” delivers strategies useful in finding work as an elite “hired gun” musician for established acts (on-tour or in-studio), and with highly-bookable cover and tribute acts.
- Jennifer Batten lectures on “The Do’s & Don’ts of Being a Hired Gun,” “Learning Songs with Peak Accuracy,” and “Effective Implementation of Guitar Effects”.
- Kat Dyson presents modules on “Surrender to the Music: Immersing Yourself in the Artist’s Catalog,” “Researching Styles: Choosing the Right Gear and Crafting the Right Tone,” and “Being One with the Flow: Ensemble Playing, Listening to the Boss.”
- Jason Fellman shares insights on “Music Business Fundamentals,” “Marketing Your Act/Cultivating a Fan Base,” “What Makes a Band ‘bookable?’”, and “Legal Matters.”
- Mundo Juillerat explains the principles behind “The Working Guitarist,” “Getting into Production Shows (Theater, Corporate, Award, & Television Gigs)”, “Working with Composers & Sound Designers,” and “Recognizing Your Strengths and Making Them Work.”
- Pete Thorn explains concepts that include “Get Out of Your Studio: Integrating into your Music Community,” “Passing the Audition, Positivity & Self Confidence,” and “Recording & Tone Tips.”
Detailed module info, registration, and schedule at www.guitarcloudsymposium.com
Guitar Cloud Symposium is proudly sponsored by Sweetwater, Fishman, Audix Microphones, Stageninjagear, Luna Guitars, G7th The Capo Company, Seventh String Software, Cordial Cables USA, Lock-It Guitar Straps, Tonewood-Amp, Guitar Playback, Taytrix Productions, BluGuitar, and TrueFire.