Livestream will ring in 4:20 with Emerging Conscious Rocker Marieme
Gritty In Pink is blazing up with a special 4/20 edition of Gritty Rocks Live on Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at 4p PST / 7p EST via Gritty In Pink’s Instagram.
The 4/20 special will feature an enlightened lineup including multi-octave singer-songwriter-rockstar Marieme, rising queer Swedish pop star Manda Malina, UK-based screaming grunger Lauren Tate (of Hands Off Gretel), Atlanta-based neo-soul trap empress SunniDread, and hosts Shiragirl, Rainey P and special guest Xtine Reckless. The show will be sponsored by Drew Martin, Kanha Treats, Guitar Girl Magazine, and partnering with non-profit organization Americans for Safe Access to spread the word about their mission.
Americans for Safe Access is on a mission to ensure safe and legal access to cannabis for therapeutic use and research. They works to overcome political, social and legal barriers by creating policies that improve access to medical cannabis for patients and researchers through legislation, education, litigation, research, grassroots empowerment, advocacy and services for patients, governments, medical professionals, and medical cannabis providers. To learn more about ASA, visit
RSVP For Our Upcoming Interview With Shira Yevin on April 25th HERE.
Gritty In Pink Founder Shira Yevin is a dedicated advocate to medical marijuana, partnering once again with Americans for Safe Access. Shira notes, “Gritty is so proud to celebrate and normalize cannabis culture, with our 3rd annual livestream on this holiday for the people! We are living through a historical era of cannabis decriminalization and hard-earned progress. Our community of artists not only uses marijuana for artistic inspiration, but also for medical relief. Cannabis is not just a lifestyle, it’s a lifesaver. I’m highly anticipating this show!”
Gritty In Pink has been busy, coming off an epic Women’s Month ALL GRL JAM in Long Beach with 50+ female musicians, and recently announcing queer rock icon Melissa Etheridge as Strategic Advisor- all as they launch their new marketplace INPINK. INPINK aims to democratize access to a gatekept industry, and provide a pipeline of female talent for professionals looking to hire from a diverse community of women in music. To learn more, visit