Photo by Snapies
Photo by Snapies

Musical Instrument Professional did a write-up on the most patronizing things people say about women in music in an effort to raise awareness and end all the nonsense.

The article was inspired by a recent article in the HuffPosst written by musician Steph Guthrie, which we told you about back in July. When people read the article, they began a movement on Twitter, which included the tweets below:

  • “Girls can’t play bass because they’re not technical.”
  • You girls must be singers.” – music store employee to women customers looking at mixers
  • “Do your parents know you’re out with old guys?”
  • “Let me explain to you how soundchecks work.” – sound tech, who went on to patronisingly explain Soundchecks 101 to a musician with years of experience
  • “WOW, a girl drummer!”
  • “So you’re a solo acoustic act, right?”

Visit Mi-Pro.Co.Uk for the whole list.