Radio Memphis WiMN Artist Spotlight Submissions

The WiMN presents the newest addition to the She Rocks Showcase Series: the WiMN Artist Spotlight, brought to you by Radio Memphis.

This new spotlight will feature a new female artist and her music to be shared during a live global broadcast to 147+ countries. As a weekly spotlight, the program will air every Saturday during the radio show ‘Radio Memphis Around the World’ with Dianna “D” Fryer.

The She Rocks Showcases are a part of the WiMN’s ongoing efforts to create opportunities and a platform for women in music. We want to give a chance to as many female artists as possible across the country from every style and age to display their talent in front of music industry experts, influencers, media representatives, artists, and more. Now with a global presence thanks to Radio Memphis!

SUBMISSIONS: Are you a talented female artist who would like to have her music considered for promotional play and spotlighted during this series? Please complete the form below. Original music only considered.

Click here to listen to an archive of previous winners.

Radio Memphis WiMN Artist Spotlight

When: Every Saturday, 2:30 p.m. CST during LIVE radioshow ‘Radio Memphis Around The World’ (airs 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. CST)

This internet radio site does have mobile site capabilities. You can also download the free app Tunein and look for Radio Memphis for your mobile devices and enjoy a CD quality broadcast.

Submit Here

  • I verify that I am not a minor and would like to submit to this contest. MINORS: by checking this box you consent that you have permission from your guardian. I agree to allow The WiMN, Radio Memphis and affiliated partners to use my image and recordings for promotional purposes. I also consent that I am submitting original material, of which I own all the rights. I understand that spotlight details are subject to change.

  • Please be patient after clicking submit while your information processes. You will see a thank you message once your information has been sent successfully.
