Quick – without putting a lot of thought into it, name one of your favorite music artists. What about your favorite music producer? Chances are, your immediate recollection will be a male musician. And unless you are creating your own playlists on Spotify or Pandora, many terrestrial radio stations are your main influences due to playing mostly male-produced songs with male singers/bands. In a study conducted in 2017 by Musicstats.org of Billboard, their findings were as follows:
- Female artists represent on average only 25% of the Top 100 artists.
- Since 2013 the number of female artists has been declining on the Top 100.
- In 2017 female artists account for only 15% of artists on the Top 100.
- The year with greatest representation is 2008 (considering only the Top 50 artists) where females represented 36% of the distribution. This is 10 years ago.
The good news is we now have the world wide web, with pioneering platforms like Soundgirls.org and The WiMN to share with the world all of the phenomenal, inspiring women in the music industry. Like artist and music producer, JoJo Worthington. She is an independent producer and composer from Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada who has won numerous awards for her exceptional work. Her vocalizations reminisce of Kate Bush, her ingenuity with looping techniques remind one of the omnipresent Canadian force of Owen Pallet, and her refreshing take on the ukulele is pushing this experimental-folk musician to create some of the most forward-thinking music of her generation.
Click here to read our interview at Soundgirls.org: